Addiction and Mental Health Treatment Center Joins the `World Oneness Movement`

Released on: May 20, 2008, 12:46 pm

Press Release Author: Dr. Alan Meyers


Press Release Summary: Alternative Treatment International, Inc. (A.T.I.)
(, Clearwater, Florida USA announces that it has
joined with the "World Oneness Movement".

Press Release Body: Alternative Treatment International, Inc. (A.T.I.)
(, Clearwater, Florida USA announces that it has
joined with the "World Oneness Movement".

Clearwater, FL -- The Oneness Movement began in India and has spread worldwide to
promote world peace and perception change through its non-religious, spiritual
Oneness Blessings.

A.T.I., an innovative clinical and holistic addictions and mental health treatment
center has adopted the Oneness Blessing techniques as an adjunct to its
Mind-Body-Spirit-Environment wellness healing program. A.T.I. is the only
treatment program in the world to utilize this new healing technique to assist
people who are suffering from additions and psycho-emotional problems and enhance
its specialized "Perception Therapy" protocol.

Program clients experience a change in perception, calmness, better sleep patterns
and keener insights into their problems and abilities to heal.

A Certified Yoga Instructor who trained in Bali under the Oneness Movement, comes to
A.T.I.'s program during spiritual healing scheduled times to share her knowledge and
experience with the clients.

According to A.T.I. founders, Dr. Alan Meyers and Julia Stewart, "our use of
progressive alternative healing techniques promote non-religious spiritual healing,
perception change, calmness and a more focused mind set toward the clients'
treatment plan, health and healing. A.T.I. clients demonstrate outstanding success
in their rehabilitation from addictions and mental health problems, and we are
seeing an even greater success with the addition of the Oneness activities."

Alternative Treatment International, Inc. is the only addiction and mental health
treatment center that has adopted the Oneness Blessing for treatment. For more
information, please visit the A.T.I. website at or
call Dr. Alan Meyers at 1-800-897-8060.

Web Site:

Contact Details: Dr. Alan Meyers
Alternative Treatment International, Inc.
300 S. Duncan Ave., Suite 263
Clearwater, FL 33755

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